'Lost' Cars
A handful of 30-98's have 'gone missing' in recent years. The Register has no current owner details for: E209, E237, E260, OE88, OE192, OE284, ROE11 and Vauxhall Variants VV6 and VV7. Can anyone help?
This is the lowest known surviving 30-98 chassis number, although it was not passed out from the erecting shop until 1920. Reportedly sold by Vintage and Prestige in 2022, the car's current owner is unknown. If it sold., where is it now?
(Thanks to Eddie Bourke for the period photos).
DK Feb '24
(Thanks to Eddie Bourke for the period photos).
DK Feb '24

Sold at Bonhams in 2017 and not heard of since. Believed to be in the West Midlands.
Sold at Bonhams in 2017 and not heard of since. Believed to be in the West Midlands.

From the Register:
Other owners: Bruno Vendiesse 2019?;Tom Callinan 11-18; H P Milling 68-11; D Aldridge 50-68;
H S Robinson 27
In Ireland 2011 ->2018. A well known car, but who is the custodian now?
DK Dec '24