Image above: The first 30-98, competing at Aston Clinton hillclimb on 24th May 1913, shortly after its highly successful debut at Waddington Fell on 3rd May, driven on that occasion by the customer Joseph Higginson.
A Thirsty trip to Ireland June 6-11th 2025.

New in the Register shop
30-98 polo shirts! In Navy blue with 30-98 logo. Time to archive those old Centenary models which come out every season. Order them in the shop here:
Dec '24
New in the Register shop
30-98 polo shirts! In Navy blue with 30-98 logo. Time to archive those old Centenary models which come out every season. Order them in the shop here:
Dec '24
This message from the Registrar will accompany the new 2025 Register (subject to Christmas postal delays and overseas posting times)
Please find enclosed your copy of the 2025 Register of 30-98 Vauxhalls and their Variants.
We rely on you all to keep us informed of their whereabouts, when they change hands and the alterations that take place to the cars. Thanks to past Registrars, it is a comprehensive list with an amazing level of detail and we are working on further updates to include the originality of bodywork and more accurate production dates.
We have done our best to make sure the details are correct, but welcome corrections, which should be emailed to [email protected]. You will see that we have included photos of the cars for the first time but are still missing a few. If your car does not carry a photo, or you wish to update the image we hold, please email a high res image to [email protected].
In other news, we are shortly to receive a fresh batch of 30-98 Polo shirts. These will be available to order online and we have chosen the same brand of shirt that the Register has used previously - they have stood the test of time well. We will be emailing details very shortly.
There are several events planned for 2025, news of which should be available shortly after Christmas and of course, we plan to put on the usual excellent show at Prescott next year.
I look forward to hearing from you with comments and updates on the latest format and hope that you find it both useful and interesting reading.
Best wishes
Dec '24
For overseas owners: 30-98 Register 2025 Print Edition - voluntary donation towards overseas postage
Please find enclosed your copy of the 2025 Register of 30-98 Vauxhalls and their Variants.
We rely on you all to keep us informed of their whereabouts, when they change hands and the alterations that take place to the cars. Thanks to past Registrars, it is a comprehensive list with an amazing level of detail and we are working on further updates to include the originality of bodywork and more accurate production dates.
We have done our best to make sure the details are correct, but welcome corrections, which should be emailed to [email protected]. You will see that we have included photos of the cars for the first time but are still missing a few. If your car does not carry a photo, or you wish to update the image we hold, please email a high res image to [email protected].
In other news, we are shortly to receive a fresh batch of 30-98 Polo shirts. These will be available to order online and we have chosen the same brand of shirt that the Register has used previously - they have stood the test of time well. We will be emailing details very shortly.
There are several events planned for 2025, news of which should be available shortly after Christmas and of course, we plan to put on the usual excellent show at Prescott next year.
I look forward to hearing from you with comments and updates on the latest format and hope that you find it both useful and interesting reading.
Best wishes
Dec '24
For overseas owners: 30-98 Register 2025 Print Edition - voluntary donation towards overseas postage
Nic Portway's books
Nic still has a few copies of his superb books available for sale, including the 2 volume Edwardian book, as well as the two 30-98 books. Order your copies while they are still available! Details here
Nic still has a few copies of his superb books available for sale, including the 2 volume Edwardian book, as well as the two 30-98 books. Order your copies while they are still available! Details here
N.B. The 'Search' functionality works only on the public pages (for data privacy reasons):
e.g. search for 'E267' or 'Klaxon horn'. |
The Technical Library
Today's owners may benefit from the years of experience in competition, fast road and show conditions........if only there was a way to record and share that experience. These pages, which will be located in the Owners' area, aim to connect owners across the UK, Australia, New Zealand and the world, to share technical information & expertise for the benefit of current & future owners. We only ask that you will put in as much as you take out.
Today's owners may benefit from the years of experience in competition, fast road and show conditions........if only there was a way to record and share that experience. These pages, which will be located in the Owners' area, aim to connect owners across the UK, Australia, New Zealand and the world, to share technical information & expertise for the benefit of current & future owners. We only ask that you will put in as much as you take out.

Visit the 30-98 Facebook group
Get In Touch
If you are a Vauxhall 30-98 owner requesting access to the website for the first time, or a new owner, please click the button below:
To contact the 30-98 Registrar, please click the button below:
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*PERSONAL DATA & GDPR: Access to the owners pages requires registration. If you access the owners' pages, please ensure you read the Privacy statements.
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